駐團導演・谷樂熙 Luc Ducros

駐團導演 Director

Luc Pierre-Marie Ducros


Luc Ducros 是具有編、導、演等三種專業於一身的全方位劇場人,曾在由J-F Cuny所主持的WRZ戲劇學校(巴黎)接受完整的戲劇課程。自1998 年起即活躍在法國的戲劇圈,並加入由M. Grudzinski 與 J-C Seguin所主持的白狼劇團(Compagnie Théâtre du Loup Blanc)。

表演經驗跨足眾多不同風格的戲劇製作:從古典到現代,從街頭到親子。演出劇作家包括史特林堡、伏爾泰、莎士比亞、哈辛、莫里哀、馬里伏、雨果、考克圖…等等。從2005年起,他開始擔任導演並以集體創作方式工作。他經常合作的劇團包括鋤頭劇團(Compagnie Tête Bêche)以及俄歌爾果劇團(Théâtre des Égrégores),演出的形式包括面具、小丑、肢體、音樂劇…等等。編導作品曾參與亞維儂、歐赫亞(Aurillac)與佩立格(Périgueux)戲劇節。



Luc Ducros made his debut on stage in 1998 at the workshops of the Compagnie Théâtre du Loup Blanc (Normandy, France) directed by M. Grudzinski and J-C Seguin.

Then trained in Paris, in the drama course WRZ Théâtre of JF Cuny, he has been working regularly since 2003 as an actor in classical, contemporary plays or for young audiences (Strindberg, Voltaire, Shakespeare, La Fontaine, Jonson , Racine, Molière, Marivaux, Goldoni, Labiche, Feydeau, Courteline, Hugo, Cocteau, Laïk, Ph. Dorin, Vinaver, Grumberg, Kacimi, Levey) including in particular with the company Théâtre Italique directed by Valérie Grail (former member of the troupe of Théâtre du Soleil by Ariane Mnouchkine).

From 2005, he tackled the work of staging and collective creation within the Compagnie Tête Bêche and the Théâtre des Égrégores troupe (masks, clown, expressionism, musical theater …). Several shows are presented at the festivals of Avignon, Aurillac and Périgueux.

In 2014, he successfully completed the “Clown Comedian at the Hospital” training program delivered by the Rire Médecin.

He is also a teacher in clowning, improvisation and theater for amateur or professional adults and for children.

In 2015, he joined the Théâtre de la Sardine company directed by Chao-Chi Ma in Taiwan. He continues and deepenes his work as a director. He is also involved in the design and development of a hospital clown program (Dr Red Nose association, Taiwan) and is currently the director of education and training of the association.