2020《白蛇?!小丑們的終局之戰》 The White Snake?! The Final Struggle of The Clowns​







首演日期:2020/11/13 (五)——2020/11/15 (日) 14:30;19:30 

首演場地:臺灣戲曲中心 3102 多功能廳

2021/4/1—4日 臺北國家戲劇院實驗劇場
2021/4/22—25 臺中國家歌劇院小劇場


















Premiered in November 2020

Suitable for ages 5 and over

Four actors and one live musician are included in the production

Runs for 80 minutes, no interval

Suitable for a 200 to 500-seat theater


This is a troupe of four naive and blundering clowns which has never had a successful production and whose performances were either sparsely attended or very poorly staged.


Finally, the troupe is faced with a business crisis, and they are grappling with how to save the troupe’s fate. Then it occurs to the director: “Many theater companies would almost always have sold outs when they perform the classic play, The Legend of the White Snake, so let’s give it a go. Maybe we would get a full house and our ensemble would be saved!”


The clowns then set out on a decisive battle to challenge themselves to “mission impossible” by performing Peking Opera—the Mount Everest of the performing arts—a piece titled ‘The Legend of the White Snake’ to save the troupe’s life.


Time is fast approaching for the day of the premiere. Expecting a small audience, they even get the opening time wrong! The clowns, who unwittingly walk onto the stage, see a packed house, which leaves them terrified and totally disorientated! But they have to get ready for the show…

Will their attempts at risky endeavors be a disastrous flop, or will they end up surprisingly gracefully? Will the audience finally fall in love with them? Let’s find out in the theater!

Theme and Ideas

The clown troupe in this story is presenting one of the repertoires of the Peking Opera classic, The Legend of the White Snake: On the West Lake, but not performing the full version of the piece.


This repertoire is a classic among the classics of the opera, a “required course” in Chinese opera, and has been passed down in different versions in different Asian cultures.


The story goes that the White Snake and the Green Snake finally finish their practices and descend to the earth to visit the West Lake, where it is pouring with rain. At that moment, a handsome young man named Xu Xian is passing by after sweeping the family tomb and the three of them meet by the lake. The White Snake falls in love with Xu Xian at first sight. Xu Xian could not bear to see the two women getting wet and lend them an umbrella. Xu Xian then suggests that the three of them should take a boat together before dropping the two women off on his way home. During the journey, the two exchange their love for each other by appreciating the scenery of the lake and mountains. With the Green Snake playing matchmaker, the two agree that the next day Xu Xian would go to the White Snake’s house to collect his umbrella. At last, with great reluctance to be parted from him, the White Snake, along with the Green Snake, disembarks from the boat.